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Mallow seed sampler

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Mallow  Malva Alcea

You will receive a small selection of seeds from my garden. They are contained in a small scrapbooked card with a little door on the back. They are reusable when treated gently and make cute gifts for a gardener. 

These bushy waist to shoulder high plants burst forth with bright pink hibiscus like flowers with little tufts in their centers. Ours are always bustling with bees and sometimes little frogs sun themselves on their leaves.  They could make a good cut flower but I avoid nipping them because the flowers bloom from the base to the ends of the stalks. They close up at night. Sometimes, depending on your garden wind conditions they do better being gently staked upright. 

As they mature and retire the petals deepen in color and wilt off the seed heads which form cute little hexagonal pods.  They brown and dry to contain a perfect little donut shaped collection of the most organized seeds. It's very satisfying to open their pods and witness the little organized seeds.  

Because of the extensive information about seeds/plants, I encourage each customer to look up the information that pertains to their specific questions.